New feature: This Week in Marvel Unlimited (Intro)

Hey! So, my fellow castmembers/commentators/contributors on the Out of the Basement Podcast have been wanting some more content on this site, so I thought I’d try to do this.

If you’ve listened to the podcast (and if you haven’t, but you’re here, download a few episodes and give it a try!) you know that I do most of my comics reading these days through the Marvel Unlimited service.

I’ve been reading comics for over thirty-five years now. Reading comics is pretty much baked into my DNA at this point. Proof would be that my daughter (9 years old) enjoys them as well, (although not as much as I do, to be honest).

The problem is, comics are *expensive*. Take a look at ComiXology ( . The average cost of a Marvel comic these days is $3.99… U.S. (I should mention that this is a Canadian based site & podcast.) Some issues cost even more… $4.99, $5.99, etc.

Marvel Unlimited helps with this. A lot. If you’re willing to pony up $69.99 US (a little over $90 CDN) you can subscribe for an entire year. In return, you get access to all the comics Marvel publishes… six months after they hit the shops.

In addition, Marvel Unlimited adds stuff from their huge back catalogue every week. Sometimes it’s something that just wasn’t there before; sometimes it’s adding to or filling in gaps of collections that were incomplete.

So, every Monday, (Marvel Unlimited adds things on Mondays, unlike the usual New Comic Book Day, a.k.a Wednesday) I’m going to talk about what MU has added. The focus is going to be more on the back catalogue adds than the newer stuff, but I’m not going to lock myself down too much.

I hope you’ll take a look, and chime in with your own thoughts in comments.

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