Posts Tagged ‘Star Wars RPG’

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 5 (Season 1-2)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

Welcome to The Force Is Not Always With You, a playthrough podcast set in the Star Wars universe from the people that bring you the Out Of The Basement podcast. In this continuation of the new adventure, Jennifer, Dan and Alan are in the midst of a very long, drawn out combat with a pair of Imperial Scouts. Please join us for their adventures.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 4 (Season 1-1)

Saturday, October 31st, 2015

Welcome to The Force Is Not Always With You, a playthrough podcast set in the Star Wars universe from the people that bring you the Out Of The Basement podcast. Our good friend Tara has accepted a new position out of province, and she and Matt are in the process of relocating. We have therefor decided that rather than continue the previous adventure (where they played the prominent driving factor behind the story), it would make more sense to start from scratch. Jennifer, Dan and Alan decided to keep their previously generated characters, but change the dynamic so that they start off as friends (or at least familiar) on board a pirate ship. Please join us for their adventures.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 3 (Season 0-3)

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

Welcome to The Force Is Not Always With You, a playthrough podcast set in the Star Wars universe from the people that bring you the Out Of The Basement podcast. In this episode, we continue the journey that Jennifer, Matt, Tara, Alan and Dan are on, as they continue to struggle to find a way to earn enough money to reclaim their ship, and get off this blasted planet.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 2 (Season 0-2)

Friday, October 16th, 2015

Welcome to The Force Is Not Always With You, a playthrough podcast set in the Star Wars universe from the people that bring you the Out Of The Basement podcast. In this episode, we continue the journey that Jennifer, Matt, Tara, Alan and Dan are on, as they struggle to find a way to earn enough money to reclaim their ship, and get off this blasted planet.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 1 (Season 0-1)

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Welcome to The Force Is Not Always With You, a playthrough podcast set in the Star Wars universe from the people that bring you the Out Of The Basement podcast. In this first episode, Jennifer, Matt, Tara, Alan and Dan take on the roles of brave adventurers attempting to avoid Imperial entanglements and survive encounters with the unsavory types that live on the fringes of the Galactic Rim.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.