Posts Tagged ‘Out Of The Basement Podcast’

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 70

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this episode, we’re joined by our good friend and original founding member, Patrick Ramsahoye, and talk about what’s been happening in our lives over the past few months.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 50 (Season 6-4)

Monday, August 20th, 2018

In this episode, Alan, Dan, John and Jen complete their latest mission.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 49 (Season 6-3)

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

In this episode, Alan, Dan, John and Jen are on site at the gala. The heist is officially underway.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 69

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this episode (which was actually recorded back in April, prior to Episode 68), we talk about Adepticon 2018, and talk about the tabletop wargame Star Wars Legion, put out by Fantasy Flight Games.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 68

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this episode, we talk about some of the recent blockbuster movies. We go spoiler free into Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and our most recent viewing, Deadpool 2.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 48 (Season 6-2)

Saturday, June 9th, 2018

In this episode, the Alan, Dan, John and Jen spend the session planning for their heist.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 47 (Season 6-1)

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

In this episode, the Alan, Dan, John and Jen are once again contacted by Mr Tiiv, of Tyrius Sysworks for a new job.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Review of the Clones – Episode 7: Ghost In The Shell

Sunday, May 13th, 2018

In today’s episode, we are joined by our friend Patrick, as we do a full blown comparison between the original 1995 Ghost in the Shell anime movie and the 2017 live action version, staring Scarlett Johansson.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 46 (Season 5-7)

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

In this episode, the Alan, Dan, John and Jen finish off their assignment and Alan does on to explore some of his lost history.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

The Force Is Not Always With You – Episode 45 (Season 5-6)

Saturday, April 21st, 2018

In this episode, Alan and Jen infiltrate a police station while John continues being interrogated, and Dan quietly awaits some upgrades.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.