Success! We have reached 25 great episodes, and it has become apparent to myself and my fellow hosts that we need to expand on what we have started by moving in a more detailed direction. To achieve this goal, we have decided that we need to spend more time promoting our Podcast by branching out on other media, such as this website, and Facebook and Twitter.
Although we feel we have been quite active on Facebook, we decided that if we are to fall under the category of an independent media source we need to provide our loyal followers with more then just our Podcast. Patrick Gleason has already started this by branching out to YouTube in his video blogs and discussions. Devrim has been hard at work spreading our name and what we do in the community.
I myself have worked hard to find ways to contribute. While I do not have the knowledge of comics and older science fiction topics that Devrim and Patrick have, I have found several ways to add my opinions on video games, current television shows and movies to make our productions that much richer. As well as managing this website as best as I can with my limited computer knowledge, I hope to provide as much as I can to our success.
The three of us are going to attempt something here that none of us have ever done before. We hope to inform and entertain our viewers and listeners with our opinions and discussions. By making our posts open to public comment, we are finally providing a way for the public to engage us directly on the topics discussed. Where Facebook provides this it is very general and topics get lost. This site will allow the public to weigh in on discussions where their opinions are heard and valued.
The hardest part of this is finding topics and material that the public want us to discuss and post. So we ask that people feel free to post comments with ideas that we can incorporate into this website.
Thanks everyone, and we’ll see you in the future!