Posts Tagged ‘Comic Books’

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 40

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we see an early showing of the new Antman movie, and we have a blast.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 39

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we mainly talk about various movies we’ve seen, and video games we’ve played over the course of the last 3 or 4 weeks.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 38

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we try out Imperial Assault, from Fantasy Flight Games, as well as the usual conversations about gaming and geeking over the past few weeks.

Here’s more info on the game Blackguards.

And Imperial Assault

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 35

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we talk about the various shows, movies and games that we’ve enjoyed since the start of the new year (yes, its March, and we’ve finally gotten around to releasing a new episode… but I will point out that this was actually recorded midway through February).

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 31

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, Patrick Ramsahoye makes a surprise return, and we mainly about the blockbuster movies that have come out over the past couple months. might be some spoiler warnings if you haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet, but we tried to keep them pretty vague.
The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 30

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, our good friend Dwayne joins us for some comic book talk, mainly about the blockbuster movies that have been and are still yet to be released this summer. There’s a huge spoiler warning about the new Spiderman movie… we end up accidentally talking about the ending, and going into a bit more detail than originally intended. If you are looking forward to seeing the movie, and don’t know about the ending, I would suggest waiting until after you’ve seen it before listening to this episode.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 29

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we recap our fun at Ottawa ComicCon 2014, and take a look at some of the upcoming summer movies that we cannot wait to see.

Here’s the comic strip that Paul referenced in the show:

And here’s Jervis Johnson’s Warhammer 40k 7th Edition video:

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 28

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we’re joined by Paul’s friend Adam, an up and coming cosplay prop and costume designer. His designs can be found at the following link.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

So the new Human Torch will be black?

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

The Human Torch is going to be BLACK!! OMG!!…who the fuck cares?

By Patrick Gleason

It appears in the reboot of the next Fantastic Four movie, Fox has planned to go with a black actor, Michal B Jordan, to play Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.  No surprise this has caused a stir amongst fan boys, and racists who say this ‘ruins’ the franchise.  I guess much the same way Michael Keaton would ruin Batman, or no way Hugh Jackman could portray Wolverine.

Sue Storm (Kata Mara) is still to be the sister of Johnny, though we are not sure yet if it is step-sister or one of them is adopted.  But that doesn’t matter for the outcry.  Johnny Storm is supposed to be WHTIE they cry out, from their lowly basements, chubby fist raised in outrage.  They of course are missing the point.

The Fantastic Four derived their powers based on their personalities.  The leader, Reed Richards was constantly working on many projects, while also trying to maintain a marriage, deal with Johnny and also concerns from the military whom he had contracts with.  He was feeling pulled or stretched in many different directions from those influences.  Ben Grimm was the steadfast person of the group, strong & reliable, steady as a rock.  Sue Storm, from the 60s comics, was the young secretary/wife of a famous scientist.  She felt overshadowed and overwhelmed in the situations and was not sure of her place, being overlooked.  Johnny was the hot-headed impetuous youth, flying off at whim.  The first FOX film did a very good job of capturing the characters personalities, and the actors portrayed them quite well.  Although I, as many others was not happy with what they did with Doom in regards to him having powers, the personality and drive behind him was done well.

Also in the 60s when the comics first came, as with many other markets at the time, they were aiming towards a white audience.  The company did not want to try to sell a black hero to the mass market. So the Fantastic Four were white. And stayed that way in the comics; one reason being Marvel, like DC, did not want to do major changes to well-established characters for worries over readership.

However, now FOX has a chance to retell/modernize the story.  I have no problem with Johnny Storm being black, as long as the basic character and personality stay the same.  Now my question is why couldn’t Sue Storm also be black?  Reed Richards could be white and married to a black woman.  Even Ben Grimm could be black, or Asian or hell Samoan.  FOX has a chance to truly step into the 21st century with this reboot. But considering the backlash just for the Human Torch, I don’t think America is ready yet.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 25

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In another of our Skype chat conversations, we delve into the standard discussion about what’s been going on in our lives since Pat moved away, and have the usual geeky conversations about movies and games. We pay special attention to a couple of video games coming to the end of their Kickstarter campaigns, namely Darkest Dungeon and Star Crawlers


Darkest Dungeon Kickstarter page:

Star Crawlers Kickstarter page:

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield:

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.