Posts Tagged ‘Comic Books’

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 137

Saturday, August 31st, 2024

In this episode, recorded in August, we’re down a Pat and Dwayne so we get into a very spoiler filled discussion on Deadpool vs Wolverine. We also have an in-depth interview with author JF Dubeau and Amy Frost about their new upcoming print project campaign for Achewillow Season 1. Links to the campaign and to Amy’s Twitch channel can be found here:
Achewillow Season 1 Book Campaign
Amy Frost’s Twitch Channel

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

We’d like to thank Radio Free Music for providing our new Intro and Outro music. The first track is called Drop and Roll, the second Grand Navy Plaza. Both are by an amazing artist called Silent Partner.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 92

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In another remote episode, the usual gang discusses our entertainment selections for the past month, and we do a deep dive into superhero retirements.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

We’d like to thank Radio Free Music for providing our new Intro and Outro music. The first track is called Drop and Roll, the second Grand Navy Plaza. Both are by an amazing artist called Silent Partner.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 89

Friday, February 28th, 2020

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this special episode, we are joined by Patrick Ramsahoye, and Dwayne McKinnon, we discuss a lot of what’s we’ve been into, and dive into news and rumours. Apologies for the sound quality of the recording. The episode was recorded over Discord, and there was an issue with the conversion process which ended up speeding up the recording to chipmunk levels, and a fair bit of digital manipulation was required to get everyone’s voices to sound correct.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

We’d like to thank Radio Free Music for providing our new Intro and Outro music. The first track is called Drop and Roll, the second Grand Navy Plaza. Both are by an amazing artist called Silent Partner.

New Column: Comics I’m Reading (August, 2011)

Sunday, December 15th, 2019

Hello! I’m feeling ambitious today, so I’m starting a new column. (I also wrote a review of a comic called Wolf’s Head #4, you can read that next if you haven’t yet.)

So, if any of you are readers of my other column, This Week in Marvel Unlimited, you may have noticed that I usually say that I’m looking forward to reading something… someday. There’s a reason for that.

Back during the publicity push for Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel I thought it would be interesting to go read Marvel Comics’ crossover event “Secret Invasion.” That storyline dealt heavily with the Skrulls, and the Skrulls were going to play a big part in Captain Marvel. Since all of Secret Invasion is on Marvel Unlimited, I figured, why not check it out?

Then I thought, why not check out other crossovers that I never fully read before? So with some major help from a site called Comic Book Herald I went all the way back to Avengers Disassembled (July 2004) and started reading massive Marvel crossovers.

Several “events” later, I read Secret Invasion. After that,  the next big thing was “Dark Reign”. Thanks to his highly publicized actions during “Secret Invasion”, Norman “Green Goblin” Osbourne becomes top cop in the United States, and by extension, the world. The thing is, “Dark Reign” wasn’t really a crossover. It was a line-wide direction.

So, I started reading pretty much every Marvel Comic that interested me, month to month. And I’ve kept going like that ever since.

If you listen to our podcast, I usually update our listeners as to where I’m at whenever we record. Last night I finished off July, 2011, and filled up my MU library with stuff I wanted to read from August. I’m averaging two months of comics for every month of real time. Which means I should be catching up to “current time” sometime around 2027. 😀 I realize that may seem slow to everyone, but I’m reading a lot of books! The list for August currently stands at 55 books, and will likely grow. How so? Let me explain.

For most of the books, which are ongoing, I will read an issue, and then add the next issue of the run to my library. So, when I finish off a month,  most of the next month’s books are already in there. I use the browsing screen (Marvel Unlimited’s app has a great feature where you can browse by publication date) to add in anything else like one-shots or new books.

The thing is, some of the books (I’m looking at Amazing Spider-Man in particular) were being published more than once a month. I don’t have all the ASM issues for August in my library right now… they’ll be added one at a time as I get to them. So I’m not sure the final count for August. If people are curious enough, let me know and I’ll do it the harder way and find out. (Yes, I am trolling for comments. Sue me! 😀 )

A minimum of 55 comics are going to take me some time. We’re talking well over a thousand pages of comics. That’s why I’m only managing two months per month of real time. (I can’t spend all my time on Marvel Unlimited. I don’t want to burn out, plus there’s too many other things I need to do. 😀 )

So, what am I reading in August, 2011? It’s dominated by two events: Fear Itself and Spider-Island.

I find it amusing that I’m reading Fear Itself right now. Fear Itself was a big event that was an odd mix of Ed Brubaker’s Captain America run and Thor. The plot is this: Sin, the Red Skull’s daughter, awakens the Asgardian Fear God called the Serpent. The Serpent summons seven hammers to change people into his old servants, the Worthy. Each hammer bestows Thor-level power. The world starts spiraling into terror, and all the heroes have to cope.

The reason I’m amused that I’m reading this is because right now, another big Asgardian inspired crossover, War of the Realms, is being added to Marvel Unlimited week-by-week. So while I read one big Asgardian crossover I know another big Asgardian crossover is waiting for me at the (current) end of the line. 😀 August, 2011 has issue #5 of Fear Itself and a whole bunch of crossover titles. So it’s starting to come to a crescendo (Fear Itself was a 7 issue LS.)

Spider-Island is the first big event of Dan Slott’s amazing (pun intended) run of Amazing Spider-Man. I’d always heard good things about Slott’s run, and I gotta say, I’m really enjoying reading the beginnings of it.

What else is there? Well, on the X-Men side there’s the Schism storyline that set up a new status quo for that corner of the MU. By the time its over Wolverine & Cyclops will go their separate ways and each take a bunch of X-Men with them.

I’m reading a number of books from Greg Pak & Fred VanLente: Incredible Hulks, Herc, and Alpha Flight. Mark Waid’s run on Daredevil started in July, so I’m looking forward to issue #2. These are all really, really fun comics; comics that successfully mix humour with drama. I highly recommend them.  And I’m continuing with the Bendis-era Avengers books. For the most part I’m enjoying them, although the work isn’t nearly as strong as what Bendis did on Ultimate Spider-Man.

And with that, I’m going to call it a day on this column. The next one will come out when (you guessed it!) I get to September, 2011. I’m still feeling my way here, figuring out how to make this an interesting read. I hope you’ll stick with me while I do. At least I won’t have to repeat all the exposition next time! 😀 😀 😀

This Week in Marvel Unlimited: Double shot Part Two (2019-12-09)!

Monday, December 9th, 2019

So yeah, this is the second This Week in Marvel Unlimited post today, as I completely failed to do one last week. If you’re enjoying the column, you might want to check out the first part of the double-shot right below this one.

On the “new” side of things, we’re in the week of June 5th, 2019. Age of X-Man presents Prisoner X #4, and Uncanny X-Men continues on its merry way to House of X/Powers of X with issue #19. War of the Realms reaches #5, with another five crossover issues becoming available. Black Cat gets a new series and Marvel continues to mine Mark Millar’s Old Man Logan story with Dead Man Logan #8 and Old Man Quill #6. Meet the Skrulls finishes with issue #5 and Domino: Hotshots reaches #4. The most interesting thing to me in the “new” column is Incredible Hulk: Last Call #1.

I was late to the game when it came to Peter David’s award-winning twelve-year run on the Hulk. I started reading it at the very end, actually, with the stories that came out of the Heroes Reborn storylines. Still, good stuff, and I have to say that David’s farewell issue, featuring a future Rick Jones who man or may not be paralyzed, was fantastic.

I eventually got the chance to read the entire run thanks to, (you guessed it), Marvel Unlimited. David’s entire Hulk output is available, and if you’re a subscriber it is well worth the read.

Last Call #1 is a one-shot by David with one of his best known Hulk collaborators, Dale Keown. I know nothing about it, but I know that it’s jumped pretty high on my “to-read” list. Unfortunately the list keeps growing larger and larger, but hey… there are worse problems around than too much reading material, right? 😀

The backlist is really, really short this week. There’s three issues of The New Defenders. That’s it. It fills in some holes towards the end of that run, but there are still a lot of issues missing. For example, this add gives #138, #148 and #149. There are no issues between #138 and #148. #150 is available, and #152… but not #151. It’s funny how Marvel Unlimited goes sometimes.

That’s it for this week. Tune in next week to see if I get the column out on a timely basis again! As always, please feel free to leave comments; I’d really like to see them. Au revoir!

This Week in Marvel Unlimited: Double shot Part One (2019-12-02)!

Monday, December 9th, 2019

Hello all! So yes, last week was an absolute fail in the “get the column out” department. So today, I’m going to talk about two weeks in Marvel Unlimited! Let’s look at what came out 2019-12-02…

On the new side of things, from the week of May 29th, 2019, we have our obligatory Age of X-Man issue, X-Tremists #4, and five crossover issues with War of the Realms. For the all-ages crowd there’s Marvel Action: Avengers, and media tie-ins get Marvel Rising  and Spider-Man: City at War, both at #3. (The Spider-Man one is from the very popular Playstation 4 videogame “universe”.) In the x-universe corner of Marvel, Liefeld’s Major X #4 arrives (of six) and the third series of  X-Men: Grand Design (subtitled X-Tinction) has its first issue made available.

I’ve been hearing good things about Grand Design. It’s an unusual book, a retelling of the entire X-Men saga, with all the work (writing, art, lettering) done by one person: Ed Piskor. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s definitely on my “want to read” list.

Naturally, there’s more stuff in there,like the Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3, Superior Spider-Man #6 and more. But I want to keep this moving! So, what’s been added from the back catalogue?

Well, we have two X-Men books: The Survival Guide to the Mansion from 1993 and X-Men Annual #1 from 1991. The Survival Guide isn’t the usual Official Handbook style writeups of characters; instead it talks about the X-Men’s home and gear. The Annual, meanwhile, is part one of a crossover called Shattershot, which focused on Longshot and Shatterstar. With the addition of this annual the crossover is fully available on Marvel Unlimited for those of us nostalgic for X-Men comics from the early 90s.

The other addition to the archives is five issues of Marvel Chillers from 1975-76. Issues 3 through 7, to be precise, and the addition means that the entire series is available (yes, it only lasted seven issues).

The first two issues featured Modred the Mystic, but these five feature Tigra, the Were-Woman! (Yes, they saddled the character with that over-the-top title.) Tigra is interesting, imho, from a historical standpoint.

Tigra started out as another character, Greer Nelson, a.k.a The Cat. The Cat had her own series from 1972 to 1973, created by Marvel legend Roy Thomas. It was very much a feminist take on super-heroics, but only lasted four issues. Tony Isabella (of Black Lightning fame) revamped Greer into Tigra, the Were-Woman in the pages of Giant-Size Creatures #1. That issue isn’t available on Marvel Unlimited unfortunately. After the revamp came the Marvel Chillers issues.

Tigra has only headlined her own book once since then as far as I know: a 2002 four issue LS. Still, the character has had a lot of longevity as part of the ensemble cast of various Avengers books. It’s interesting to be able to look back at her early adventures.

Onwards to part two this week…

This Week in Marvel Unlimited 2019-11-25

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Hello all and welcome to the final This Week in Marvel Unlimited… for November. (Sorry, sorry… just couldn’t resist for some reason. 😀 ) It’s Monday again, so let’s get into it!

On the “new” side of things, from the week of May 22nd, 2019… it’s the War of the Realms show! This week we have nine, count ’em, NINE crossover titles hitting Marvel Unlimited! By contrast, the X-Men crossover “Age of X-Man” only has one book, The Amazing Nightcrawler.The X-Men as a whole are reasonably well represented this week; besides the two crossover books there are four more X-titles this week plus a Nightcrawler story in Marvel Comics Presents. That one’s written by none other than Chris Claremont, so I’m definitely going to have to check that one out!

This week is also a good week for younger super-heroes, with Miles Morales, Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur, Shuri and the Runaways all with “new” issues.

There’s one more “new” book I’m going to talk about, but I’m saving that one for last. Skip to the end of the column if you really want to know!

The back catalogue gets a smattering of X-Men issues this week, including the Xavier Institute Alumni Yearbook, which is exactly as advertised: a yearbook for the X-Men’s school. There’s an Xtreme X-Men Annual by Claremont and Salvadore Larocca I’ll probably re-read some time. (I own all of Xtreme X-Men. What can I say, I’m a big Claremont fan.) There’s a one-shot called Wolverine: Switchback that I’ve never heard of. An issue of X-Men Unlimited that ties into Kurt Busiek’s enjoyable Maximum Security crossover (circa 2000.) And, before we get to the final couple of back-issue X-Men, I’ll mention there’s also an Avengers sourcebook (called Strikefile) from 1994 and the Avengers Annual for 1993.

Now on to the most interesting additions to the back catalogue, at least for me: Ben Raab & John Cassaday’s X-Men/Alpha Flight two-part limited series from 1998. Now, I’m a huge Alpha Flight fan (more on that later) and this was an enjoyable period piece set around the time just before Alpha got its own series. For the most part I enjoyed Raab’s writing (I was a fan of his run on Excalibur) although the plot had a few aspects that strained disbelief. (And yes, I know I’m talking about straining disbelief in a Marvel comic book series.) For the X-Men fans, this story purports to show Kitty Pryde’s first date with Piotr Rasputin, which of course goes horribly, horribly wrong. Fans of the Van Lente, Pak & Eaglesham 2011 Alpha Flight series will find that Gary Cody is once again playing into a super-villain’s hands. (This is a recurring theme for Cody, who has done so at least three times over the years.) Plus, the always reliable John Cassaday provides some lovely art.

I already own this LS in electronic format: Amazon occasionally has phenomenal sales on Marvel trades and I took advantage. Still, the Alpha Flight fan in me is happy to see the material available to the Marvel Unlimited audience.

Which brings us to the final comic book I wanted to discuss here, which was part of the “new” stuff… but only technically. I’ve mentioned before that Marvel has been celebrating their 80th anniversary by targeting the nostalgia market in various ways. One of their initiatives are the “Facsimile Edition” comics, where they not only reprint the story from an issue, but all the ads from the time as well. This week the Facsimile Edition of Alpha Flight v1 #1 (1983) joined Marvel Unlimited.

This book is special to me. It’s the book that started me collecting comic books. I was ten years old, and my family was going to drive to El Paso, Texas, to see relatives. I was already a fan of comic books, and my mom decided to let me get some from a drugstore in Baddeck for the trip. I had never seen a book like this one before:

The thing that really caught my eye was the guy in the Maple Leaf uniform. I was fascinated, and AF #1 joined the small pile of comics I was allowed to buy.

Then my mom hid all of them away so that they’d be new to read during our big trip. Grrrr. 😀

While we were away on our trip I found #2 and #3. When we got back home my brother and I managed to talk our parents into letting us subscribe to a number of Marvel comics (as I recall, the more you subscribed the cheaper the individual subscription.) And the rest, as they say is history.

I’ve read a lot of comic books since that time of my life. Alpha Flight still has a special place in my heart though. I get a real kick out of being able to read the first issue with everything just like it is in the copy in my longbox.

Hope you’re all reading some good comics and I’ll see you again next week!

This Week in Marvel Unlimited 2019-11-18

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

It’s Monday yet again, so welcome back to another This Week in Marvel Unlimited post! In the “new” column, it’s a fairly big week for the War of the Reams crossover, with the main book hitting #4 and three crossover books joining the service. Of those, the one I find most interesting is Giant-Man #1, The premise intrigues me: The All-Mother, Freyja, needs a team to infiltrate New Jotunheim. How do you do that? Get four characters who can grow to giant size: Tom Foster, the current Goliath, Erik Josten, the former Thunderbolt called Atlas, Scott Lang, the current Ant-Man and Lang’s friend Raz Malhotra, the current Giant-Man.

Elsewhere Spider-Man: Life Story #3 becomes available, Uncanny X-Men and Age of X-Man continue their parallel tracks, and MU readers get a chance to check out The Immortal Hulk #17. There are a few others, of course, but those are the ones that caught my eye.

As often happens, the most interesting part of the week for me is the back catalogue. This week we get fifteen issues of Classic X-Men… kinda.

So, the year is 1986. The X-Men are the cast of the most popular comic-book in North America. Chris Claremont has been writing the book for 11 years. Back issues are hard to come by, and expensive when you do. So Marvel sees an opportunity: a reprint series that will allow current fans to read the older material at a reasonable price.

The thing is, Marvel’s comic books had changed during the eleven years that had gone by since Claremont began his run. Specifically, the page count was now higher than it was in 1975. So, in order to pad out the books, (and to entice readers who may have already bought or at least read the originals to buy the reprints) Marvel included new X-Men stories written by Claremont. Each story was set around the same time of the reprinted issue, filling out details or showing things from a perspective not seen in the original book.

Now the thing is, all of those originals are available already in Marvel Unlimited. So the Classic X-Men books now available (and those issues on the service before this week) only have the new stories. They don’t have the reprints. There are holes in the collection of Classic X-Men, but a lot of those holes are because not every issue of the reprint series had new stories in the back.

It makes for an odd read. I’m one of those people who eagerly picked up Classic X-Men. I only really got into comics in 1983, so being able to read all these older stories that were referenced in the X-Men was great! The back-ups often dovetailed nicely into the main story. One particular favourite was Classic X-Men #26, reprinting the first appearance of Alpha Flight. In the original issue (Uncanny X-Men v1 #120) Wolverine is wandering in Calgary. As was normal for comics of the time, we got to “hear” his thoughts courtesy of thought balloons. At one point, he wonders if “Cracklin’ Rosa” is still running her “social club”. That was published in 1979.

The backup in Classic X-Men #26, published nine years later, took that inconsequential line and from it spun a fairly amusing tale of how Banshee’s work for Interpol resulted in Wolverine getting into a memorable brawl at “Cracklin’ Rosa’s.” The story is almost evenly split between a night out at Harry’s HIdeaway, where the tale is being told,  and flashbacks to the events at Rosa’s.

Now, the reason I’m going into so much detail is this: With the backup happening just a page or two after the reprint of Wolverine’s musings, it was easy to connect the two. Without the original story, reading the backup loses something, in my opinion. Still, it’s great to be able to read that stuff without digging into my longboxes (I still have my run of Classic X-Men.)

I don’t know how much more material there is to reprint from Classic X-Men; Marvel eventually stopped adding new material when the length of the originals reached “modern” page counts.

See you here next week!

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 86

Monday, November 18th, 2019

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this episode, we are joined by Patrick Ramsahoye, and Dwayne McKinnon, and we discuss a lot of what’s we’ve been into, and dive into news and rumours.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

We’d like to thank Radio Free Music for providing our new Intro and Outro music. The first track is called Drop and Roll, the second Grand Navy Plaza. Both are by an amazing artist called Silent Partner.

This Week in Marvel Unlimited 2019-11-11

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

Well, Monday has come around again. This time it’s Remembrance Day here in Canada, and Veterans Day in the United States. If anyone who’s served is reading this, thank you.

For those of you playing “cross-over scorecard” at home, this week in “new” additions (week of May 8th, 2019) we have one Age of X-Man book (Apocalypse & the X-Tracts #3) and three War of the Realms ones. Of the War of the Realms books, the most interesting to me is Agents of Atlas #1, featuring Greg Pak’s reimagination of the concept to an all-Asian team of heroes fighting the War on the Pacific Rim. At least Jimmy Woo (Khan of the Atlas Foundation) is involved. I really like Pak’s writing though, so I’m looking forward to this.

In the nostalgia market, Marvel Feature #1 gets a Facsimile Edition. This one features the first appearance and origin of the Defenders, Marvel’s first “non-team” superhero team.  Also serving the nostalgia market is a reprint of Marvels #3, the excellent Kurt Busiek/Alex Ross series. I’m doing it a disservice though. This is much more than a reprint… this is a 25th anniversary annotated re-release. If you’re like me and love both Marvels and an insider look at everything that goes into making a fantastic comic book, this re-release is a gold mine.

There are actually five Spider-Man books out this week, and three of them caught my attention. The first is the May 4th Free Comic Book Day book (yes, Free Comic Book Day 2019 was also Star Wars Day.) Also catching my eye was Symbiote Spider-Man #2 and Spider-Man/Deadpool #50. My reaction to the Spider-Man/Deadpool book is “wow, that book lasted fifty issues?” (#50 was indeed the final issue and features a cover appearance of the Grim Reaper. Not the Marvel villain one either. 😀 )

Symbiote Spider-Man is a series set during the time after Spider-Man got his living costume, but before he found out the truth about it and got rid of it (creating Venom.) I’m interested here because the writer is Peter David. I’m a big fan of David’s Marvel work (you may recall my mentioning his X-Factor run in my last column.)

That’s it from the “new” side this week (I’m trying to avoid just listing everything that comes out.) On to the back catalogue! This week illustrates why I love Marvel Unlimited so much. This week we get issues #91-#107 of Power Man and Iron Fist.

Now, Power Man and Iron Fist was a book I was aware of when I started seriouslyreading comics back in the early 80s, but it wasn’t a book I actually read. I was aware of it because of Marvel’s house ads. The sales on PM/IF weren’t the greatest (although they would blow away most of today’s books) and so Marvel supported the book by running house ads in their other titles. The ads were striking because there were two main ones, both full-page spreads. One featured Luke Cage, the other Danny Rand… and they were both breaking the fourth wall, talking directly to the reader. Luke threatens the reader. Danny talks about Luke getting mad (and violent) when he finds out people aren’t reading their magazine. They were great ads. I didn’t have the budget to get more comics (I consider myself lucky my parents subscribed me to the handful I did) but those ads have stayed with me for well over thirty years now.  Check them out here!

Power Man and Iron Fist is a great example of Marvel just not saying die. It all started with Luke Cage, Hero For Hire #1 in 1972. That lasted sixteen issues, and then re-branded itself as Luke Cage, Power Man with #17. In the meantime, Iron Fist got his own title in 1975 (after appearing in Marvel Premiere for several issues). Neither title was doing that great. Iron Fist’s book was actually cancelled, and Chris Claremont wrapped up some storylines in Marvel Team-Up. Then, Claremont introduced Luke & Danny in Power Man #48. Two issues later, Luke Cage, Power Man became Power Man and Iron Fist.

Power Man and Iron Fist lasted from issue #50 to issue #150, and featured some really fun stuff. With this newest batch of books, Marvel Unlimited now has everything Power Man and Iron Fist right from the beginning through to #107, and then it jumps to #121 (which is a Secret Wars II cross-over issue.) There is onemissing issue between #50 and #107… #73. You’ll have to forgive Marvel for that one though. It featured Rom, Spaceknight, and Marvel doesn’t have the rights to reprint anything with Rom in it.

I’m really hoping Marvel will eventually reprint #108 through to #150. This is a series that I’d love to binge-read. The reason we have as much as we do is obvious: Luke & Danny’s profiles got a major boost thanks to the Marvel/Netflix collaboration that brought them both to millions of subscribers. Here’s hoping that we get the rest of it.

See you in this space next week!