Captain America The Winter Soldier Review

April 17th, 2014

Here is Patrick Gleason’s video review of the new Captain America The Winter Soldier movie: [embedplusvideo height=”370″ width=”405″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=yHz5GfSJfDY&width=558&height=665&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8285″ /]

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 27

April 13th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. The follow-up to Episode 26, recorded live at Adepticon 2014, this episode is a continued look at the convention by some of the attendees. Coming right at the end of the convention, as all the events were finished and we prepared to say goodbye to each other for another year, this was a look back at what we liked and didn’t about this years con.

As always, these travel episodes are brought to you by Geek Nation Tours, official travel partner of the Out Of The Basement Podcast.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 26

April 13th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. Recorded live at Adepticon 2014, this episode is part 1 of a 2 part look at the convention by some of the attendees. We talk about the positives and negatives of the tournaments, events, classes and other activities that went on this year, along with a ton of laughter and joking.

As always, these travel episodes are brought to you by Geek Nation Tours, official travel partner of the Out Of The Basement Podcast.

Also, here is the link to the picture we’re discussing in the middle of the episode.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Star Wars Episode VII! Who’s exicted? This guy!

March 19th, 2014

Excited does not even begin to describe the way I feel about the upcoming Star Wars trilogy.  Too long have I waited for something decent to happen to this movie franchise, but I wonder if it will be a success like the original trilogy or another gigantic flop like the prequels.  Although that’s not really fair is it, I mean while the storyline was full of flaws and the script writing was dismal the actual movies themselves were very beautiful.  I really enjoyed them from an artistic standpoint.  Then again the same thing can be said about Avatar, and for anyone out there that actually listened to our “Pat’s Avatar Rant” podcast episode know exactly how we feel about that movie.  But I grew up with Star Wars, from religiously watching the movies on a weekly basis to reading most of the non-canon fiction that was written in the Star Wars Universe.  I live and breath Star Wars and regularly win at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit whenever I can find a poor sap that is willing to play against me.

There is one unfortunate problem with the Star Wars franchise as a whole, there is just so much material out there that is considered non-canon (that everyone wish was canon) that making the masses happy is next to impossible.   Characters that I gave grown up to love and who seem to resurface through out most of the post Star Wars movies, sadly, will never make it to the big screen.  I can understand how difficult it is going to be for writers that are working on this new project, to determine what is canon, what should be canon and what simply isn’t canon.  I ask people who may be confused as to what I mean by Canon and Non-Canon to check out the following website. (Small picture to the right) They do pretty good job describing what I mean.


Thirty years.  That is when these movies are supposed to take place after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.  That’s a long time for things to happen in an unstable universe, where the Emperor has been defeated and the fate of the Empire is in flux.  But it gives the writers a chance to touch back with existing characters and introduce new ones.  My only concern is that the movie will spend a good portion of itself explaining what happened in the previous thirty years.  I for one will not be content to a fifteen minute expiation of what happened.  I was given three incredible movies depicting the struggles of the Rebel Alliance against the Empire and just because they kill the Emperor suddenly everything falls into place as they swoop in and there is this massive change throughout the galaxy.  Are you kidding me?  If anything there should be three movies covering those thirty years of struggling with the remains of the empire.  You can not honestly tell me that there aren’t other people high up in the hierarchy of the Empire that could just step in and keep it together.  Take the Thrawn series of books written by Timothy Zahn.  Now that was a well developed character, and set of events that would more realistically depict what would happen after the death of the Emperor.  The Empire is made up of who knows how many planets and peoples, yes there is slavery and general unrest, but they have the largest army in the galaxy.  Somewhere, someone is going to take command and things are going to continue as they always have.

Sadly I am getting off topic and almost starting an unwanted rant.  My main focus was to talk about rumors concerning the new movies and the actors that may or may not have parts in them.  From what I can determine during my research is just about anyone famous out there has been approached at one point or another about a possible role in the next few movies.  However, whether or not any of these people have actual roles is somewhat in question.  The original scripts call for characters that no longer exist.  Once J.J. Abrams was brought into the fold it was said that the current script was junked for a new one and characters that were offered to certain actors have been changed or removed.  However, this has little effect on rumors floating around Hollywood.

Some people who haven’t been approached, are campaigning for roles, such as Katee Sackhoff.  Sackhoff voiced a Mandalorian warrior in the fourth and fifth Seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, and would be perfect in a bounty hunter role in the new movies.  It’s true Star Wars need more female characters in strong roles.

Other rumors claim that one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch, has been approached for perhaps a villain role in the new trilogy.  While many people did not thing he was very good as Khan in the latest installment of the Star Trek franchise, I felt he pulled off a villain wonderfully.  Then again I maybe biased because I like just about anything he has ever done.  While Cumberbatch’s people have denied his involvement, Benedict himself hasn’t given a clear “Yes” or “No” when asked about it.

The rumors could go on for ages, and there is just so much that I could add that would make this article drag on and on.  I will spare you that and end it here.

A New Turn For Out Of The Basement

March 16th, 2014


Success!  We have reached 25 great episodes, and it has become apparent to myself and my fellow hosts that we need to expand on what we have started by moving in a more detailed direction.  To achieve this goal, we have decided that we need to spend more time promoting our Podcast by branching out on other media, such as this website, and Facebook and Twitter.

Although we feel we have been quite active on Facebook, we decided that if we are to fall under the category of an independent media source we need to provide our loyal followers with more then just our Podcast.  Patrick Gleason has already started this by branching out to YouTube in his video blogs and discussions. Devrim has been hard at work spreading our name and what we do in the community.

I myself have worked hard to find ways to contribute.  While I do not have the knowledge of comics and older science fiction topics that Devrim and Patrick have, I have found several ways to add my opinions on video games, current television shows and movies to make our productions that much richer.  As well as managing this website as best as I can with my limited computer knowledge, I hope to provide as much as I can to our success.

The three of us are going to attempt something here that none of us have ever done before.  We hope to inform and  entertain our viewers and listeners with our opinions and discussions.  By making our posts open to public comment, we are finally providing a way for the public to engage us directly on the topics discussed.  Where Facebook provides this it is very general and topics get lost.  This site will allow the public to weigh in on discussions where their opinions are heard and valued.

The hardest part of this is finding topics and material that the public want us to discuss and post.  So we ask that people feel free to post comments with ideas that we can incorporate into this website.

Thanks everyone, and we’ll see you in the future!


So the new Human Torch will be black?

March 16th, 2014

The Human Torch is going to be BLACK!! OMG!!…who the fuck cares?

By Patrick Gleason

It appears in the reboot of the next Fantastic Four movie, Fox has planned to go with a black actor, Michal B Jordan, to play Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.  No surprise this has caused a stir amongst fan boys, and racists who say this ‘ruins’ the franchise.  I guess much the same way Michael Keaton would ruin Batman, or no way Hugh Jackman could portray Wolverine.

Sue Storm (Kata Mara) is still to be the sister of Johnny, though we are not sure yet if it is step-sister or one of them is adopted.  But that doesn’t matter for the outcry.  Johnny Storm is supposed to be WHTIE they cry out, from their lowly basements, chubby fist raised in outrage.  They of course are missing the point.

The Fantastic Four derived their powers based on their personalities.  The leader, Reed Richards was constantly working on many projects, while also trying to maintain a marriage, deal with Johnny and also concerns from the military whom he had contracts with.  He was feeling pulled or stretched in many different directions from those influences.  Ben Grimm was the steadfast person of the group, strong & reliable, steady as a rock.  Sue Storm, from the 60s comics, was the young secretary/wife of a famous scientist.  She felt overshadowed and overwhelmed in the situations and was not sure of her place, being overlooked.  Johnny was the hot-headed impetuous youth, flying off at whim.  The first FOX film did a very good job of capturing the characters personalities, and the actors portrayed them quite well.  Although I, as many others was not happy with what they did with Doom in regards to him having powers, the personality and drive behind him was done well.

Also in the 60s when the comics first came, as with many other markets at the time, they were aiming towards a white audience.  The company did not want to try to sell a black hero to the mass market. So the Fantastic Four were white. And stayed that way in the comics; one reason being Marvel, like DC, did not want to do major changes to well-established characters for worries over readership.

However, now FOX has a chance to retell/modernize the story.  I have no problem with Johnny Storm being black, as long as the basic character and personality stay the same.  Now my question is why couldn’t Sue Storm also be black?  Reed Richards could be white and married to a black woman.  Even Ben Grimm could be black, or Asian or hell Samoan.  FOX has a chance to truly step into the 21st century with this reboot. But considering the backlash just for the Human Torch, I don’t think America is ready yet.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 25

March 12th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In another of our Skype chat conversations, we delve into the standard discussion about what’s been going on in our lives since Pat moved away, and have the usual geeky conversations about movies and games. We pay special attention to a couple of video games coming to the end of their Kickstarter campaigns, namely Darkest Dungeon and Star Crawlers


Darkest Dungeon Kickstarter page:

Star Crawlers Kickstarter page:

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield:

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 24

February 15th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this first attempt at a Skype chat, we delve into the standard discussion about what’s been going on in our lives since Pat moved away, and have the usual geeky conversations about movies and games.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 23

January 15th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this New Year episode, its the return of the original three, as Patrick Ramsahoye makes an appearance on the podcast, and we talk a whole lot about movies and video games, delving only slightly into RPGs.

I said during the episode that I would put in a link to the game Don’t Starve, so here’s the official page. You’ll have to hunt for it on Steam yourself…

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.


Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 22

January 1st, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s special Movie Review episode, we are joined by our good friend Chris as we delve into the Evil Dead franchise, and critique the 2012 remake of the original Evil Dead movie, and discuss how much it differs from the original. We also digress into other movies, and even dip a bit into the geek talk of RPGs, but its only for a couple minutes.

I want to put a SPOILER tag in here, as we do talk about some of the action that you see on the screen in the new movie (if we need to say spoilers about the 30 year + original, then something has gone horribly wrong, and you need to stop and watch that first before you do anything else).

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.