Archive for the ‘Out Of The Basement Podcast’ Category

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 27

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. The follow-up to Episode 26, recorded live at Adepticon 2014, this episode is a continued look at the convention by some of the attendees. Coming right at the end of the convention, as all the events were finished and we prepared to say goodbye to each other for another year, this was a look back at what we liked and didn’t about this years con.

As always, these travel episodes are brought to you by Geek Nation Tours, official travel partner of the Out Of The Basement Podcast.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 26

Sunday, April 13th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. Recorded live at Adepticon 2014, this episode is part 1 of a 2 part look at the convention by some of the attendees. We talk about the positives and negatives of the tournaments, events, classes and other activities that went on this year, along with a ton of laughter and joking.

As always, these travel episodes are brought to you by Geek Nation Tours, official travel partner of the Out Of The Basement Podcast.

Also, here is the link to the picture we’re discussing in the middle of the episode.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 25

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In another of our Skype chat conversations, we delve into the standard discussion about what’s been going on in our lives since Pat moved away, and have the usual geeky conversations about movies and games. We pay special attention to a couple of video games coming to the end of their Kickstarter campaigns, namely Darkest Dungeon and Star Crawlers


Darkest Dungeon Kickstarter page:

Star Crawlers Kickstarter page:

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield:

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 24

Saturday, February 15th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this first attempt at a Skype chat, we delve into the standard discussion about what’s been going on in our lives since Pat moved away, and have the usual geeky conversations about movies and games.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 23

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In this New Year episode, its the return of the original three, as Patrick Ramsahoye makes an appearance on the podcast, and we talk a whole lot about movies and video games, delving only slightly into RPGs.

I said during the episode that I would put in a link to the game Don’t Starve, so here’s the official page. You’ll have to hunt for it on Steam yourself…

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.


Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 22

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s special Movie Review episode, we are joined by our good friend Chris as we delve into the Evil Dead franchise, and critique the 2012 remake of the original Evil Dead movie, and discuss how much it differs from the original. We also digress into other movies, and even dip a bit into the geek talk of RPGs, but its only for a couple minutes.

I want to put a SPOILER tag in here, as we do talk about some of the action that you see on the screen in the new movie (if we need to say spoilers about the 30 year + original, then something has gone horribly wrong, and you need to stop and watch that first before you do anything else).

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 21

Monday, November 4th, 2013

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s Anniversary episode, we’re joined by our friends Chris and Sean, and we mainly discuss movies and dip a bit into video games.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 20

Friday, November 1st, 2013

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s landmark 20th episode, were joined by our good friends Jace and Phil, and talk about a variety of recent and upcoming movies, and have a general conversation with friends we haven’t seen in a while

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 19

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we talk about the new Man of Steel, Patrick’s impending move, and various RPGs in the Cyberpunk genre (amongst many other topics, as usual).

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.

Out Of The Basement Podcast – Episode 18

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

The boys get together to talk about various geeky topics, including video games, RPGS, MMOs, movies, comics, etc. In today’s episode, we bring to you the second in our Movie Rant series, where we discuss the movie Prometheus. We are joined by friend of the podcast, Sean, who airs his disappointment at the movie, and also by new guest Kate, who argues the positive aspects of the movie.

The episode can be downloaded directly from the following link, or automatically downloaded if you have already subscribed to the RSS feed through iTunes or any other feed reader.